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Another national success for the Station House team

Home news

Staff at Station House nursing home, Crewe, have been celebrating their success at Care UK’s Annual Excellence Awards ceremony, where they were awarded for their inspiring Activity Based Care.

The team are no newcomers to winning awards for the care they provide to residents with Alzheimer’s Disease and similar conditions, but they were particularly delighted with the award which marked their “exceptional contribution to the quality of life, health and happiness of their residents through Activity Based Care”.

Activity Based Care was first introduced at Station House in 2007 and since then has been successfully developed to motivate residents to learn new skills and get involved in the day to day life of the home - from laying tables for dinner to tending the gardens. It has helped to improve happiness and activities for all residents, including those with dementia, who benefit from taking part in the activities and hobbies they have always loved.

Station House Manager Sarah Evans said: “Our latest initiative is an event called ‘An afternoon with…’ which is hosted by a different team member every week who chooses a theme that they feel passionate about. For example, a recent theme was ‘Holiday in Egypt’: the host organised a beach area with sand and pebbles and a holiday memorabilia display, along with Egyptian dancing and music. Residents and their family or friends are invited to come along to these events and they’ve proved really popular over the past year.”

Open to new residents

Victoria Avenue, Crewe, Cheshire, CW2 7SF

Station House

CQC Rating: Good
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Residential care
  • Day club

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