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Greville House holds street party early to keep the big day free

Home news

Greville House held a street party to celebrate the royal wedding - a day early.

Anne Golding, our activity organiser said: “We spoke with residents and together decided on hosting our own street party on 28th April, as we would all be glued to our TV’s on the 29th!

A feast was laid on by kitchen staff and there was a wonderful wedding cake for the day.

The street party was held in our lounge which was decorated in typical British street party style – Union Jack bunting, flags and table decorations which had been created in our art classes.

Residents wore head dresses and buttonholes and many of our staff dressed for the occasion in suits and wedding dresses.  Family and friends were invited to come along and join in on the celebrations.

Our residents also were heavily involved in creating a commemorative art display showing different pictures of the royal couple, and their families, which was displayed in our reception.


Open to new residents

Greville Road, Richmond, Greater London, TW10 6HR

Greville House

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Day club

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