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Stanley care home opens up a dementia café to support local people and raises money for autism chari

Home news

Care UK’s Stanley Park care home is now running a free dementia café on the second Thursday of every month to give advice and support to people in the area caring for a loved one living with dementia.

The team, at the home in Wear Road, are joined by members of the Alzheimer’s Society for the session, offering a cup of tea and a friendly ear as well as expert advice on increase the wellbeing of anyone living with dementia.

Home manager Samantha Rogan explained: “When you are caring for someone with dementia it is very easy to become isolated. Because, for their own safety, the person may not be able to be left alone, it becomes harder and harder for the carer to keep up with friends and interests.

“We welcome the person with dementia into the home, as well as the carer, so they can relax for a couple of hours, have a chat with others who are going through the same issues and have a laugh. It makes a huge difference to carers and they can learn more about the condition which will help them to manage better at home.”

Stanley Park is a community-focussed home with most of the team living in the area. The home receives visits from local schools and church groups. Samantha recently raised £360 for the North East Autism Society when she zip-wired down from the Stadium of Light.

She said: “One of the team at the home has a brother with autism and we all wanted to show our support for our colleague and this very worthwhile local group. Last year I abseiled off the Baltic Exchange and I was looking for a new challenge when one of the Care UK team spotted the zip wire event.

“I am now applying for match-funding from Care UK’s Working with the Community fund - that would make a really good amount be able to present to the charity.”

Anyone wishing to talk to the team about the dementia café should call Bernadette Lovett on 01207 290800 email -


Open to new residents

Wear Road, Stanley, County Durham, DH9 6AH

Stanley Park

CQC Rating: Requires improvement
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Day club