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Care UK Appointed for Clara Court

Company news

Maidenhead's Clara Court - a 76-bed care home commissioned by the council and developed by the Housing Solutions Group, will offer high standards of accommodation for the older people of the Royal Borough. It is anticipated that the first residents will be admitted in the early autumn.

Cllr Pam Proctor, the council's lead member for social services, said she was confident that the partnership between the Royal Borough, Care UK and the Housing Solutions Group would provide high quality care and support services to meet the specialist health and social care needs of the Royal Borough's older people for many years to come.

Cllr Proctor added: "When the council embarked on this exciting new project we had a vision to give vulnerable older people access to the highest possible quality of accommodation and care. The Housing Solutions Group is delivering a flagship building and Care UK will bring their vast experience to the provision of care for residents. Together, they will add up to a centre of excellence that we can all be proud of."

For Care UK, development director Richard Pearman said: "We are delighted to be working with the Royal Borough and the Housing Solutions Group. Clara Court is a very impressive care home and will be an invaluable resource for the older people of the borough in the future."

The contract with Care UK, an experienced provider of 2,500 care home places across the country, is for a 10-year period.