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Care UK takes over services in Redbridge

Company news

Meadow Court is a 70 bed Continuing Healthcare facility which provides specialist care for older people with dementia and physical fraility. Care UK's initial contract with Redbridge Primary Care Trust is for five years.

Care UK's Residential Care Services Development Director Richard Pearman said:
"The commencement of the contract represents the start of a positive, vibrant future for Meadow Court, its current and future residents as well as relatives and staff. It is our intention to provide services which offer residents high levels of care and support and which also provide an interesting and attractive working environment for staff. Meadow Court is well supported by a dedicated relatives group and we hope that this involvement continues to develop during the contract period".

Meadow Court opened in 2001 and prior to transfer was operated by the North East London Mental Health Trust. The property is located on the Goodmayes Hospital site adjacent to Care UK's latest Treatment Centre, the North East London NHS Treatment Centre which is under development.