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Feeling Good Again in Record Time

Company news

Satisfied customer Pauline Coupland from Bitterne Park can’t fault the Southampton NHS Treatment Centre: ‘I was treated like a VIP right from the moment I arrived for my first appointment,’ she said.

She booked into the inpatient ward for a full hip replacement just four weeks after discussing where to go for the operation with her GP. ‘I hadn’t heard about the Treatment Centre before but I was delighted I made the choice,’ she added. ‘Everyone was so friendly and helpful - and very professional too, of course.’

Pauline, who works as a dressmaker, says the operation came at just the right time: ‘My hip was very painful and causing me a lot of problems so I was pleased my operation was scheduled so quickly. I know it’s going to change my life.’

She was also impressed by the one-stop shop outpatient appointment as all the vital tests were carried out at the same time. ‘It’s such a good idea to get everything done on the same day as it saves time for everyone.’