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St Peter’s rated “Excellent” by inspectors

Company news

St Peter’s Court has been rated “Excellent” by inspectors from the Care Quality Commission.

We received an unannounced visit in July from the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

Their main findings were that we have an enthusiastic manager, who together with staff is always looking at ways to improve daily life at the home. The report also found that residents receive good personal and healthcare support. Good care planning systems are in place to ensure people receive care and support suited to their individual needs.

The inspectors further discovered that people have good opportunities to have interest and stimulation in their lives and that residents are able to enjoy visits from friends and family at any time.

We were praised for re-decorating since the last inspection visit and the work that had been done to make outside areas interesting, with opportunities for activities such as gardening. New equipment, such as specialist beds and hoists had been bought and staff training and development had been ongoing.

Our manager Lizi Langley, said:”I am absolutely delighted with the result of this inspection. I am extremely proud of the staff here. They are simply magnificent day in day out and accept that ‘excellent’ is what they do. They are second to none.”