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Care home cake-bake raises funds for dementia charity

Company news

The Middlesex home, which looks after 60 residents, has a specialist dementia unit caring for 31 people. These residents took part in a cake-bake event, as part of Dementia UK’s Time for a Cuppa February fundraising campaign, and their tea-time treats were snapped up by visitors from nearby schools and colleges.

Activities co-ordinator Mark Winter said: “The residents and staff enjoyed themselves choosing recipes, mixing ingredients and filling cup-cake cases. Once the chef in the Whitby Dene kitchen had baked the cakes, we then had a great time decorating them with different coloured icing and hundreds and thousands. And it’s not just fun - it helps our residents too, because it reawakens memories of when they have made cakes and had parties before.”

The cake sale was successful in raising £93 for Dementia UK, a charity providing active help in the community for people with dementia.

Mark said:”We had publicised the event in the local schools and colleges and we were amazed at how many people battled the bad weather to come and buy, and also to say hello to residents. It was wonderful to see the whole community getting involved.

“One visitor gave us £10 for four cakes she was going to take home to a neighbour who has just been diagnosed with first stage dementia. Not only did she want to cheer up her friend, but she also wanted to contribute to the charity.”

The home’s business manager Malcolm Burgess said:” Care UK has developed the concept of Activity Based Care, which helps residents to keep active in meaningful ways – like the cake-bake - to keep their physical health and mental well-being.

“It is particularly important for people with dementia as it gives them an interest in things that are happening around them. It was marvellous to see their faces light up as the school children came in laughing, smiling and eating the cakes. Any professional carer will tell you that is the best reward you can ever have.”


Caption: Whitby Dene residents Lily Wall and Rita Nichol prepare cup-cakes for charity fund-raising event