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Dementia care innovations on show at Stanecroft

Home news

The latest developments in dementia care and interior design were on show when the newly refurbished Stanecroft  opened  its doors to visitors.

Residents are benefiting from new design features and training, resulting from  research carried out at Bradford and Stirling universities, and from Care UK’s extensive experience of running 60 care homes and day centres nationwide.

Maizie Mears-Owens, Care UK’s service design manager, said: “We aim to help people with dementia to remain as active and independent as possible and we have used this philosophy throughout the refurbishment.

“We have used colour and contrast to help residents find their way around the home and have replaced signs with photographs showing exactly what is behind the door to help residents identify rooms”.

Our manager Jennifer Sharman said “We created themed and interactive areas that help to capture residents’ interest, stimulate discussion and memory.”

Particularly popular with residents is the reception area which has been turned into a cosy sitting area reminiscent of a 1940s front room complete with a fireplace, retro telephone and radio and an old fashioned sewing machine.

Maizie says the key to caring for anyone with dementia is see the world through their eyes. This led her to devising an experiential training programme that allows participants to experience some of the physical, mental and sensory issues faced by people with dementia and visitors to the open day were able to try some of the equipment used.



Open to new residents

Spook Hill, North Holmwood, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 4EG


CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • Day club
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • End of life care

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