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Garland Road carer achieves new diploma and new career

Company news

Bianca Sadler, a care worker at Garland Road Day Centre, has just completed a new type of training designed to ensure service users receive the very best of care when they visit the unique service in Poole.

The day centre, which is open six days a week, provides care, company and support for around 20 people a day who are in the later stages of dementia. It is the only such service in the area and staff are proud of their impressive record of helping older people to stay in their own homes while providing help and support to their families. 

Manager Maureen Peach said: “Bianca is a lovely girl and a truly caring person. She came to us two years ago when she was just 17 and started working in the kitchens, but it was clear that she had great empathy with the service users and so we encouraged her to change role and take on the training.”

Bianca said: “The training was great. It encompassed every aspect of care, from maintaining dignity and life skills through to health and safety and care legislation.

"It was great to study and work because, each day, I was able to put into action what I had learned.”

“I love working at the centre. Every day brings something new and I can’t think of a more rewarding job than helping people to mix, have fun and keep their independence.”