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We celebrate Dignity Action Day

Company news

A day of pampering and fun was how residents at Angel Court chose to celebrate a campaign to promote dignity in care.

National Dignity Action Day, held on Friday 1st February, aims to ensure people in care are treated as individuals and given choice and control, and the team at the home felt that a day of feeling special was a great way to celebrate this important cause.

Home Manager Paulette Scott said: “We wanted to raise awareness of the importance of dignity in care, but we also wanted to give our visitors an extra-special day, so we asked what they would like to do because real choice plays a large part in maintaining an individual’s dignity.”

Residents spent the day having hand massages, manicures and blow-dries, thanks to the home’s hairdresser, and everyone tucked into tea and biscuits.

Paulette said: “Everyone had a great time and it was wonderful to see people’s faces light up. Dignity is so important, which is why we work to help people keep and develop their life skills: that way, they can remain independent and make as many choices about their lives and care as is possible.”