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We celebrate George’s 100th birthday in style

Company news

The community recently turned out in force to celebrate the 100th birthday of popular club visitor George Cowell.

George’s relatives, who had flown in from Canada to be with him, were joined by some of the pupils from George’s neighbouring school Longfleet Primary, who sang for him and delivered a beautiful big card with 100 on it that they had made for him.

Friends from his local church joined him in the afternoon for the celebration. The staff decorated the centre with banners and balloons and a collection of photos from George’s past. A beautiful celebration cake was made by one of our team members.

George was also presented with a bouquet of flowers by Poole’s Deputy Mayor Councillor Carol Evans.

Centre manager Maureen Peach said: “It was a wonderful day and George had a great time. He was up and dancing with his friends and relatives and he kept saying that he was amazed that he was 100 and he was extremely privileged to have so many people joining him in the celebration.

George, who attends the club six days a week, allowing him to remain living in the community independently, attributes his long life to: “having confidence in what you are doing and how you live, and to be an honest citizen.”