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Our care team reflect on 10 years at Mill Lodge

Company news

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the opening of Mill Lodge. Much of our success is down to the fact that many of our care team have been dedicating their time to the home since it opened 10 years ago and have built up long-term relationships with the people they support.

One of our long-standing team members, house keeper, Sue Richmond, comments: “It’s a great place to work, the people I work with are nice and there’s a good atmosphere.”

She continues: “As I’ve been here so long I’ve got to know the residents and we have little chats about their interests and memories. I’ve got to know each of their likes and dislikes and I think that’s reassuring for them because it shows we care.”

Nurse, Shola Tella, has also been at Mill Lodge since 2003 and feels like it’s a big family: “The people who here are very caring: there’s a lot of team work and we all pull together to help each other out.