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Care UK eating disorder expert featured on BBC health programme

Care UK’s medical director for eating disorders, Professor Bryan Lask, will feature on Radio 4’s Inside Health programme this evening talking about the controlling nature of anorexia and the psychology of reward for not eating and whether external triggers such as the media can influence eating disorders. 

Professor Lask is renowned both nationally and internationally for his expertise in the field of eating disorders – particularly for his highly regarded research into the causes of this much misunderstood disease.

Prof Lask oversees Care UK’s north London child and adolescent eating disorder service at Rhodes Farm and also takes the lead on clinical matters across all the Care UK specialist services in Gloucestershire. These include community residential services for young people and adults who have suffered from an eating disorder for a number of years and for whom hospital treatment has not resulted in sustained recovery.  Care UK also has a separate service for young people who display behaviours that put the health at risk, including self injury.

For more information about Care UK’s eating disorder treatments please see: