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Health centre passes quality inspection with flying colours

Company news

A Chesterfield health centre has passed a national quality audit with flying colours.

Barlborough NHS Treatment Centre, in Lindrick Way, Barlborough, Chesterfield, received a routine inspection from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England. The CQC inspector passed the centre on all five core standards:

  • treating people with respect and involving them in their care
  • providing care, treatment and support that meets people’s needs
  • caring for people safely and protecting them from harm
  • staffing
  • quality and suitability of management.

The centre is operated by Care UK, a leading independent provider of health and social care services, and services are commissioned by the local NHS. The centre offers a wide range of treatments, from minor hand and foot procedures that can be carried out as day cases, to more complex treatments that require a longer stay with us, including hip, knee and shoulder replacements.

The CQC inspector’s report praised the centre, saying: “Patients we spoke with said that they received good care. We saw improvements in the completion of patient’s medical records, specifically in relation to fluid charts and the recording of blood transfusions. Staff told us they had received additional support and training and that new charts had been introduced which made accurate record keeping easier.”

Martin Page, hospital director at Barlborough NHS Treatment Centre, said: “We are pleased to have passed this important inspection and delighted with the comments from the inspector. The inspector’s conclusions are testimony to the dedicated work of the entire team.”