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Suffolk communities invited to name new care homes in Stowmarket and Eye

Company news

Care UK is inviting people living in Stowmarket and Eye in Suffolk to name the new care homes and wellbeing centres in their communities.

Work on the new development in the Cedars Park area of Stowmarket is scheduled to start at the end of January 2014 and, once construction is complete in spring 2015, it will be home for up to 70 older people from the Stowmarket community.

The care home and wellbeing centre development in Eye is scheduled to start in April 2014 and once construction is complete in summer 2015, it will be home for up to 60 older people. The new development will be part of the health village at Hartismere Health and Care Centre.

Chris Hopkinson, Regional Operations Director at Care UK, said: “We hope both Suffolk communities will be inspired to make imaginative suggestions which reflect the personality of each town. Whether your entries make reference to milestones in Suffolk history, famous figures of the county or a family or community story, Care UK welcomes all suggestions and we look forward to hearing them.”

The deadline for entries is midnight on 20th January 2014 and the top three suggestions in each competition will each receive a £100 ‘Love2Shop’ voucher. The final shortlist will feature entries from the public, Care UK colleagues, residents and their relatives, with a final choice being made in February.

Entry forms can be downloaded from