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Cambridge care home gets seal of approval from inspectors

Company news

Care UK’s Hinton Grange care home in Cambridge has been given the seal of approval by a national care watchdog.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors examined the home and its records on February 5 and interviewed team members before announcing that the home now meets all the Government’s five standards of quality and safety which are:

  • Treating people with respect and involving them in their care;
  • Providing care, treatment & support that meets people's needs;
  • Caring for people safely & protecting them from harm;
  • Staffing; and
  • Management

On their latest unannounced visit, inspectors checked the records of several residents to ensure that their care was being noted properly, ensuring that all staff could see what action was needed and when.

The record-keeping ensured that, for instance, those who needed to be encouraged to drink more fluids could receive the support they needed – manager Kathryn Bagnall told inspectors that the resulting increase in fluid intake was already clearly improving residents’ health.

Kathryn said: “I am very pleased that we have met all the Government standards; the team here work very hard to give residents care which really reflects their needs and preferences. This is their home and we want them to feel happy, safe and relaxed here, with plenty to enjoy and the best level of care possible. ”