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Open day success at Riverbank, Hull

Company news

The team and service users at Riverbank opened their doors to visitors for tours and great food on the 2nd July 2014. 

Visitors included, The Lord Mayor of Kingston upon Hull, The Beadle of Kingston upon Hull and family and friends of service users in Riverbank.

Service users and staff made the guests feel very welcome, offering guided tours of Riverbank and its exceptional facilities. A delicious buffet lunch and cakes were prepared by our cook and service users.  Service user’s poems and artwork were displayed with pride on the walls in the communal areas.

The Lord Mayor of Kingston upon Hull, Mary Glew, commented that Riverbank is “a fantastic unit which deserves our support". Andrew Goodall and Sarah Sansoa from Doncaster CCG were also impressed and said they would be in touch.

Image caption from left to right: Ken Brown (Manager), Heidi Mellors (Deputy Manager), Lord Mayor Mary Glew, Elaine Moore (RMN), Anthea Baines (Administrator) and Sue Ayre (Clinical Lead).