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Devizes NHS Treatment Centre celebrates its fifth anniversary

Company news

The very first patient to have surgery at Care UK’s Devizes NHS Treatment Centre will be among those celebrating on Monday 10th November as the centre marks its fifth anniversary.

More than 25,000 people have been treated at the centre in Marshall Road. In that time 4400 Cataracts have been removed and 850 hernias repaired. Any member of the public eligible for NHS Treatment, may choose to have their elective day case procedure or surgery at Devizes NHS Treatment Centre. 

Returning to the centre, to receive a bouquet and enjoy a slice of birthday cake, Mrs Christine Weems says she wouldn’t have surgery anywhere else: “The centre opened on 9th November and I was the first person to be seen. I was then operated on a couple of weeks later and everyone was wonderful. They were so professional and friendly and the centre was beautiful, clean and calm.

“I couldn’t see out of my right eye, it was like looking through fog – even with my glasses on. The surgeon did an excellent job and my sight in that eye was fully restored. I may need the left eye doing soon and I would not want to be treated anywhere else.”

When Mrs Weems needed a diagnostic endoscopy she elected to go back to the centre: “It is just the best service available, in nice surroundings with friendly people; why would I choose to go anywhere else?” she said.

Hospital manager Kevin Walsh said: “I am delighted that Mrs Weems has had such positive experiences of the centre. We find that patients appreciate the service and come back if they need other treatments.

“Our patient satisfaction rates are above 90 per cent, well above the national average, and we have not had a single case of hospital-acquired MRSA or C.difficile and patients find this very reassuring.”