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Unusual animals visit the residents at Kenilworth Grange

Home news

Residents at Kenilworth Grange care home were far from horrified by the visit from the Zoolab.

A tarantula, a giant snail, a millipede and a snake were among the animals presented to the residents at the care home during an activity.

The session included a ‘show and tell’ which provided interesting facts on each of the individual animals, whilst residents who dared were able to experience handling some of them. Many of the residents joined in with handling the animals and some even said they’d like to keep the snake as a pet.

But it wasn’t just the snake that caused a stir within the home: “That giant snail will cause mayhem in the garden” commented one of the residents as the creatures were presented to them by the team at Zoolab.

Speaking about the afternoon, activity co-ordinator Julie Packer said “Many of the residents were brave and really got involved in this activity. It was great to see them laughing and enjoying  time with the animals”

But the animals from Zoolab weren’t the only unusual visitors to Kenilworth Grange that day. The home was also delighted to welcome a cute little guinea-pig, who sat calmly enjoying cuddles with the residents after their not-so-cuddly visitors earlier that day.

Julie said: “It’s great to bring in different things for the residents to experience and do. We’re really looking forward to seeing more animals here in the future.”

For more information about Kenilworth Grange, please visit their website or call 0333 4343 046.

Open to new residents

4 Spring Lane, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2HB

Kenilworth Grange

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club

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