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Afternoon of dementia support at Cringleford care home

Home news

Help is on hand for people in Cringleford who want to find out more about living with dementia when experts from Cavell Court care home host a free event on Thursday 8th October.

From 2pm to 3.30pm, dementia specialist Andrew Potts from Care UK will share his knowledge and provide practical guidance for those caring for someone living with dementia. Andrew will be looking at the realities of dementia and will be discussing coping mechanisms and tactics for dealing with the condition’s associated behaviours.

After the event, Andrew will be on hand to answer any questions and there will also be an opportunity for members of the public to meet the carers at Cavell Court and take a tour of the home.   

Home manager, Anita O’Neill, said: “Recent research undertaken by Care UK has highlighted the challenges faced by family carers looking after loved ones living with dementia.  A survey of 2,000 people throughout the UK showed only 23 per cent of people in the East Anglia felt they would be able to cope if a parent or close relative was diagnosed with dementia, with a third of all respondents in the region unaware of the support available should they find themselves in the position of carer.”

“By hosting a free event on the subject, we can provide people in Cringleford and surrounding areas with expert advice and give them a chance to find out more about caring for a loved one living with dementia.”

Those who attend the understanding dementia event will also be able to pick up their copy of Care UK’s Good to Go. The free guide highlights how important it is for those living with dementia – and their carers – to get out and about, and the emotional and physical benefits of staying active. 

Cavell Court has been designed to enable residents to live fulfilled and active lives, with care and activities tailored to each individual. There is a cinema, hairdressing salon and a coffee shop which is well-stocked with homemade bakes. For those who want to relax outdoors, there are safe and secure landscaped gardens with attractive patio areas and a courtyard.

For more information about Cavell Court and to book your place, please call customer relations manager, Samantha Woods on 0333 321 1980 or email

Open to new residents

140 Dragonfly Lane, Cringleford, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7SW

Cavell Court

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club