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Suffolk residents celebrate life at 90 on the Queen’s special birthday

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Residents in Care UK's Suffolk care homes have been sharing memories and what they enjoy about life at 90, in celebration of Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday.

Margot Heron, Cedrus House
After spending most of her life in Scotland, 90 year-old Margot Heron moved to Care UK’s Cedrus House care home in Stowmarket in August 2015 to be nearer family. 

Margot said: “Family is so important, especially as I am getting older and my health isn’t what it used to be. I’ve now got a computer in my bedroom so I can send messages and keep in touch with my family. I speak to them now more than ever!”

Margot saw the Queen once at a garden party in Edinburgh, though only from a distance. “I was so surprised to see her – she’s very petite for such a strong and important lady!”

Helen Acton, Mills Meadow
92 year-old Helen Acton enjoys keeping active at Mills Meadow care home in Framlingham.

“I like to get out and about and enjoy the fresh air! A group of us went to Southwold last month, which is where my husband Geoffrey and I spent our honeymoon many years ago.”

Helen’s love of adventure began when she was offered the exciting opportunity to work as a bilingual secretary for the United Nations. “I lived in New York for a while before moving to Geneva. It was a wonderful opportunity – my office looked out over Mont Blanc! I went skiing and mountain climbing on the weekends.”

Eileen (Peggy) Kidd, Mildenhall Lodge
92 year-old Peggy recalls working in the WW2 Women’s Land Army on a farm in Thetford, where she was lucky to meet the Queen. Peggy said: “Oh it was so wonderful to meet Her Majesty! People used to say I looked like the Queen when I was young!” 
Peggy moved in to Mildenhall Lodge in June 2015 and one thing she loves is music.

“I carry a mouth-organ in my pocket with me all the time” Peggy said. “I can play the National Anthem and Jingle Bells, and I can yodel too! I like to join in the musical activities at Mildenhall Lodge, we have entertainers and musicians visit – music lifts the spirits!”

Hazel Birkett, Davers Court
90 year-old Hazel shares her birthday with the Queen, as well as a Royal music connection. Her late husband Drum Major Tom Birkett composed music for the notorious Trooping the Colour, played annually at the Queen’s official birthday in June, as well as the military piece Hazelmere which he named after his wife.

On her 80th birthday Hazel was lucky enough to share her birthday celebrations with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. This year on her special 90th birthday, Hazel was treated to a celebration at Davers Court care home in Bury St Edmunds, where she has been living for the past 15 months.