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Devizes NHS Treatment Centre rated ‘good’ by the CQC

Company news

Devizes NHS Treatment Centre has been rated ‘good’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The centre, which opened in 2006, was visited by CQC inspectors who reported on two core areas: surgical services and the outpatient and diagnostic imaging service.

Both services were rated ‘good’ across all appropriate areas including being safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. A number of positive aspects at the hospital in Wiltshire drew the inspectors’ attention.

They found that:

  • Patient feedback is positive for care and treatment

  • Patients are kept informed and play a proactive role in their treatment

  • Treatment is patient centred and all staff are caring, kind and compassionate

  • Referral targets are being met consistently

  • Patients are given a choice of suitable appointments and treatment was cancelled or delayed only when necessary

  • The service is responsive to patients needs and reasonable adjustments are made for patients living with dementia or learning disabilities

  • Patient feedback is actively sought and used to make improvements

  • Staff feedback about leadership is positive and the senior management team is visible, approachable and supportive

The CQC inspectors thought that the centre’s multidisciplinary meetings were ‘outstanding’ because they give colleagues the opportunity to discuss patient requirements and put reasonable adjustments in place at the earliest opportunity.

Hospital director Patricia Warwick said: “My thanks and congratulations go to our teams who have, together, achieved this very pleasing result. What it means for local patients is that they can be confident of some of the best treatment and care in the area. The result is a reflection of the high standards of care and professionalism displayed by colleagues every day.”

Devizes NHS Treatment Centre provides a range of elective surgery and diagnostic services to NHS patients. Treatment areas include orthopaedics, general surgery, endoscopy, gastroenterology, gynaecology, urology, hip and knee procedures, foot and ankle procedures, hand procedures, diagnostic imaging, ENT, ophthalmology and oral surgery.

Care UK has recently invested in the endoscopy suite at the hospital and has achieved national recognition for its services in the form of Joint Advisory Group (JAG) accreditation.

In the Friends and Family Test (a measure carried out by every clinical environment in the country), Devizes NHS Treatment Centre achieved the remarkable average score of 99 per cent of patients stating that they would recommend the hospital to their nearest and dearest. The hospital also scored 99 per cent for both day cases and outpatients.

The result followed an outstanding performance by Devizes NHS Treatment Centre in the Patient Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE) measure. Here, the hospital outperformed the national average against all PLACE criteria.

It achieved:

  • 100 per cent for cleanliness

  • 99 per cent for condition, appearance and maintenance

  • 96 per cent for disability provision

  • 90 per cent for dementia provision

  • 84 per cent for privacy, dignity and wellbeing

Comments made by patients on Facebook include: “I would choose Devizes every time” and; “it was brilliant”.

Devizes NHS Treatment Centre is part of the local choice of care for NHS patients in the region. If your GP decides that you need treatment you can choose to have your NHS treatment there.