Home news
Sep 22, 2017
The residents at Tiltwood have been visited by therapy dog Eric since May 2016, after a family friend of his owner Diane became a resident at the home. Since his first visit, Eric has become part of the family at Tiltwood, and is a weekly highlight for many of the residents who enjoy teaching him new tricks.
Having seen the positive impact Eric had to residents’ lives, the team at Tiltwood have worked with Diane, who is a member of Therapy Dogs Trust, to implement a pet friendly atmosphere at the home.
The BBC documentary shows the bond that many of the residents have with Eric and particularly focuses on the difference he has made to Gladys life since she became a resident at Tiltwood. Gladys always looked forward to a visit from Eric, as he reminded her of her Jack Russell, Tim.
Emma Fox, home manager at Tiltwood, said: “Eric has made a tremendous impact on the lives of not only our residents, but also the relatives and team members – his visits are a real highlight of everyone’s week. The residents all recognise Eric as soon as he walk through the door and it’s amazing to see how everyone brightens up when he arrives – even residents who have difficulties communicating become more alert and inquisitive, and enjoy his presence.
“We encourage relatives and visitors to bring their pets when visiting as it always brings the residents so much joy. We are often joined by Bertie, the sausage dog, who belongs to the deputy manager, and residents also help take care of the home’s fish, helping to clean and feed them daily. We were thrilled to hear that the BBC would be visiting the home to see the impact he has had on the residents’ lives, and Gladys had a wonderful time attending a special screening of the documentary at the British Film Institute earlier this week.”
The documentary ‘Eric’ will be shown as part of the upcoming episode of Listen to Britain 2017 which airs on BBC Four at 9pm on Sunday 24 September.
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