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Winchcombe Place offers free expert advice on helping loved one’s mobility

Home news


Winchcombe Place is inviting the local community to a free event offering support on how loved ones can maintain their mobility and independence.

On Thursday 27th September, from 10.30am - 12.30pm and at 2pm - 4pm, the team at Winchcombe Place will open its doors to local people for its free “Mobility and Mobility Equipment Awareness” event. 

NHS care home support specialists, Katherine Santos, specialist physiotherapist and Becky Thomas, senior specialist occupational therapist, will be on hand to deliver two informative sessions to help those looking to improve their or a loved one’s mobility. 

The day will be themed around “equipment-comfort-function” and the sessions will cover topics such as the importance of good seating, the different types of mobility aids and where to get an assessment of mobility needs, as well as helping to reduce falls.

After the sessions there will be a chance for Q&As and the chance to meet mobility equipment suppliers and try a range of products. There will also be the opportunity to tour the home and meet the friendly team at Winchcombe Place.

Home manager at Winchcombe Place, Cliff Hutchings said: “Here at Winchcombe Place, we know the importance of independence in everyone’s lives, so we’re offering a helping hand to those who need guidance by ensuring a loved one remains as independent as possible.

“We hope local people will take this opportunity to join us for a day full of advice and tips.”

Open to new residents

Maple Crescent, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1LN

Winchcombe Place

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club

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