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New Learning Disabilities Services in Lanacashire and Staffordshire

Company news

Earlier this year Care UK was awarded a contract to work in partnership with Staffordshire County Council to provide a supported living service for four young adults in transition. These individuals have autism and additional complex needs. They are currently living with their parents, have recently turned 18 and left a specialist school and will be moving into their own home in the community for the first time. Care UK are working with Dane Housing Association and work to get the house ready is underway with a view to the service users moving in before Christmas. This service will be the first of its kind in Staffordshire and Care UK are delighted to be working on this new project.

In Lancashire, Care UK has undertaken a new contract which involved the transfer of four community-based homes, supporting 14 service users living in Preston and Chorley. The contract included the transfer of over forty staff currently working within these services by means of a TUPE transfer from two local PCT's. The first two services transferred across to Care UK at the beginning of June and the remaining two transferred in September and all are running well.