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Care UK Response to Social Care Green Paper

Company news

Tony Hosking, Care UK’s Residential Care Managing Director said:

“Care UK is delighted that the Government has acknowledged the need for greater integration of health and social care – we believe that this will not only lead to a better care experience for thousands of people, but will also open the door to considerable potential for efficiency savings. We are also pleased at the focus on prevention, enabling older people to stay in their own homes for longer, which the majority of people want. Care UK’s home care services help thousands of people across the UK to live independently, by providing flexible care to people in their own homes.

“Care UK also welcomes any initiative which gives older people and those with disabilities more control over the care they receive, so we were particularly pleased to see the proposals on providing greater choice and personalised care. At Care UK we are focused on the individual needs of our service users, helping them to set goals that, however small, have a real impact on the quality of their lives, are personal to them, and encourage them to remain as active as possible. We look forward to participating in the Government’s consultation process, and continuing to work in partnership with Government, local authorities and other organisations, enabling people to lead fulfilling lives.”