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St Vincent’s receives gift of gold for Christmas

Home news

St. Vincent’s House has been awarded 'Gold Standard' accreditation by the Gold Standards Framework (GSF) for the high quality end of life care it provides.

Only 26 homes nationally have been ‘commended’ this year and we will be the first home within Care UK to have gained such recognition.

To qualify for accreditation, care homes must have undertaken the full GSF training programme over nine months; embedded this into their homes for at least six months and then undertaken a rigorous, internationally recognised, accreditation process 'Going for Gold’.

There are many benefits of being accredited. The GSF training programme aims to improve the organisation and the quality of care for residents in the last years of life, to improve collaboration with GPs and others and to reduce avoidable hospital admissions.

Our manager, Kevin Henry, said: “We have worked extremely hard over the last 15 months to achieve excellent partnerships with the local hospice, NHS and Imperial College Hospital London. The home now has more professional input and therefore offers a much higher level of care services.”

Tony Weedon, Director of Operations of Care UK's Residential Care Services said: “We’re delighted – this award really demonstrates that the care we provide is of the highest standard.”


Open to new residents

49 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 9QH

St Vincent's House

CQC Rating: Good
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Residential care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club