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Slips, trips and falls - advice that won't trip you up!

Company news

In weather conditions like we have experienced already in the very first week of January, more and more people are likely to injure themselves with a slip, trip or a fall.  Keeping yourself fit and healthy is important throughout the whole year, but it can be difficult when it comes to winter with freezing temperatures, ice and snow.  Eating well and staying active during the winter months can help you to stay healthy.

It is critical at this time of year for those who have had surgery recently, especially hip and knee replacements, to remember the advice given to them by their specialist. 

Eniko Rujsz, Senior Physiotherapist at Barlborough NHS Treatment Centre comments:

“If you have had a knee or a hip replacement recently make sure you stay indoors until the roads are dry and safe before going for a walk.  A trip or fall may damage soft tissue around the new joint or can even lead to dislocation of the prosthesis.

“If you do go out, make sure you stay warm and wear suitable footwear with non-slip soles, and use your assistive devices (crutches etc) for extra support.  Also before you go out, try and do some exercises to warm your muscles up.

“Try and find time in your day to continue with your knee/hip exercises taught by the physiotherapist as a daily routine.  Set goals for yourself which can be met, and measure the intensity of the exercises you are doing by writing down the number of repetitions and increase them gradually.  This is the best way to see if there is any improvement over the weeks. 

“Try to find the balance between ‘over-doing’ and ‘under-doing’.  Your body will tell you where your limits are.  Do not forget that resting is just as important as exercising, and your muscles and soft tissues need time to recover.”

Barlborough NHS Treatment Centre prides itself on its excellent customer care and it encourages every single one of its patients to ensure that following surgery, that they continue with advice given to them by the physiotherapist.

For more information about the Centre, please Tel: 01246 575000