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Celebrating commitment and care in cambridge nursing home

Company news

There was a day of celebration at Care UK’s residential home, Hinton Grange, Cambridge, on Wednesday 17th February, as commitment and care are rewarded for staff and residents alike.

Narain Ramtohul, who joined Hinton Grange, Bullen Close, in1997 as a registered mental health nurse, has won a national caregivers award.

The Shining Star Awards were created to give residents, relatives and visitors of Care’s UK 59 residential homes and day centres the chance to say well done to those who care for their loved ones.

Helen Gidlow, the Operational Director in charge of the home, said: ‘We are very lucky to have Rammy with us. He is a very skilful and dedicated mental health nurse who, through his many years of experience, is able to ensure that the needs of our residents are met effectively in a manner which respects their individuality.

‘He is also generous in sharing his skills, training staff in-house to meet the highest standards in care. This enables his colleagues to benefit from his years of experience and training.’

Mr Ramtohul was one of only 10 Shining Stars nationwide. He will be presented with his award on Wednesday by Helen Owens, Managing Director of Care UK’s Residential Care Services.

Presentations were made to staff who have completed 10 years service. Jayne Murphy, Charles Gray, Valerie Sadler, Joy Sparham, Eileen Bisset and Mr Ramtohul all received the award from Mrs Owens.


Helen said: ‘We are lucky at Hinton Grange to have an excellent team who are committed and caring. Continuity of care is very important when working with people with dementia. Having good people working here over such a long period of time helps with that continuity.

‘Everyone is an individual and we treat them that way. When you are caring for someone with dementia you have to know what made them the person they are today because they may not be able to communicate with you. Our team make the time and effort to do just that.’

The final celebration is for resident Mrs Mary Bevan and her husband Professor Hugh Bevan who celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary. Helen said: ’They are wonderful loving couple and it is a joy to see Mrs Bevan’s face light up when her husband walks into the room.’

Councillor Geoff Heathcock, a long time supporter of the home, made a presentation to the couple.