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Dramatic celebrations for Royal Wedding

Home news

Residents and staff at Highbury New Park celebrated the royal wedding in dramatic fashion ... by staging their own play.

Residents and staff at Highbury New Park celebrated the royal wedding in dramatic staging their own play.

They put on a play of a mock wedding to mark the occasion. Staff and residents also made decorations and invitations and had a real wedding cake.

The play “Of the Hill Kingdom of Highbury New Park” was built around a story they had created.

“Once upon a time in a 3 star care home castle far away in a hill kingdom of Highbury New Park lived a charming prince named HRH Prince James of Wales XXII (James Hollingworth, resident of Orchid Unit), who met a plain but kind and caring Activities Co-ordinator named Lady Veronica Middle and a Halftone (Veronica Buchanan, Activities Co-ordinator) as they enjoyed playing dominoes, walks to the local shops, regular trips to the cinema, and many other activities together. Their love blossomed and set a grand wedding day with invited distinguished guests from all over the world.”

Residents and staff played the various characters from around the globe and the production was enjoyed by everyone.

No vacancies currently

127 Highbury New Park, Islington, London, N5 2DS

Highbury New Park

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Day club
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care

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