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Over-60s in Bradford district urged not to dismiss aches and pains

Company news

Stubborn over-60s in Bradford are being urged not to suffer in silence during Arthritis Care Awareness week.

The UK’s growing elderly population is set to spark an increase in joint pain management and surgery because they are reluctant to seek treatment for minor problems.
Staff at Eccleshill NHS Treatment Centre, run by Care UK on behalf of the NHS, have identified these ‘stubborn sufferers’ are more likely to dismiss aches and pains that could be the first signs of a more serious issue.
By leaving pain unchecked, over-60s could be putting themselves at risk of requiring more aggressive treatments, longer recovery times or causing major damage to their joints in the future.
Anne Stewart, general manager of Eccleshill NHS Treatment Centre, said: “Over-60s are generally much more active and more adventurous than previous generations, and are often unwilling to accept that any aches and pains are a sign that their bodies may be starting to succumb to the ageing process. Additionally, most over-60s are still leading extremely busy lives and niggling pains can often be viewed as something to worry about later.”
“It’s important to seek advice for any persistent pain as there could be a quick and simple solution – which may not be the case if the symptoms are left unchecked.”
If joint pain persists, patients should seek further information from their GP or pharmacist.