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No more pain for James!

Company news

James Mordant, the general manager of a local lasers company, was referred to the Southampton NHS Treatment Centre for pain management.

James had a bike accident when he was hit by a car.  This caused pain in his neck and he was diagnosed with a prolapsed disc.  James said: “The ongoing pain from the injury most definitely affected my personal life. I was unable to continue with my triathlon activities and generally I became moody.  When I got referred to the Treatment Centre, I was surprised at how quickly I was seen.”

James came for his appointment at the Centre’s Pain Clinic, where the aim is to diagnose and treat the patients at the same appointment.

James commented: “The service was brilliant and I was really impressed.  There was excellent understanding and communication from the nurse and the consultant was quick and effective. The team kept me abreast of what was happening throughout my visit and my life is back to normal.”