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Care UK pleased with decision on depression indicators

Company news

There had been concern that the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) had considered removing all three indicators for depression from the calculations on how GPs are rewarded for caring for patients.

Dr Rose-Quirie said: “I firmly believe there should be more, not fewer, incentives for GPs to identify and treat patients suffering from depression. Removing them from the reward would have sent a clear message to GPs that there is no need to promote treatment of one of the most disabling conditions in primary care, as one in two women and one in five men will be affected by depression at some point in their lives.”

She continued: “When the Coalition Government launched its mental health strategy, it included a commitment that mental health would be given equal billing with physical illnesses. The total economic, social and human cost of mental illness is estimated at £105 billion per year. For the sake of patients, their families, employers, and the economy, I urge Ministers to remember that pledge when considering resources for all mental health services.”