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It’s our birthday!

Company news

An action-packed day of fun for the residents, staff and their friends and family will celebrate the home's first anniversary as well as St Valentine's Day and Dignity Action Day on Wednesday 15th February.

Dignity Action Day aims to ensure people in care are treated as individuals and given choice and control. So, after talking to residents, manager Gary Briggs and the team decided that doing what everyone loves was the best way to celebrate choice and dignity as well as the home’s first anniversary.

Activities on the day will include wine-tasting, pamper sessions including massages, manicures, make-up sessions and appointments with the hairdresser. In the crafts room, activity co-ordinators will be helping residents and visitors with St Valentine’s Day creations. There will also be entertainers, a balloon artist, a disco and fun food to keep everyone in the party spirit.

Manager Gary Briggs said: “We have had a wonderful first year and all the team and their families are looking forward to sharing a day of fun and celebration with our residents and their families. “