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How carnival came to Charlotte House

Home news

Residents at Charlotte House love the Notting Hill Carnival but getting there and spending the day partying was not going to be possible, so instead, the carnival came to the home!

Residents and their families enjoy an annual summer barbeque in the home’s gardens but this year Activities Coordinator Christiana Dike decided that things would be bigger and better than ever.  

She contacted friends, who danced at the carnival, and the kitchen team created a true carnival barbecue that everyone enjoyed.

Christiana said: “It was a fantastic event. Everyone that could dance got up and danced and the residents loved seeing the costumes and headdresses. It was wonderful to see the residents and their relatives enjoying the spirit of carnival together and the team had a great time joining in.”

Home Manager Gay Libre also used the opportunity to say thank you to all the friends, visitors, staff and relatives who joined in making this year carnival a reality and the home is already looking forward to repeating the fun next year.

Open to new residents

Snowy Fielder Waye, Isleworth, Greater London, TW7 6AE

Charlotte House

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Day club