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Awards evening celebrates the best in the business

Company news

Hinton Grange’s team came together with experts from across the industry for a celebration of the UK’s best care work.

The team were selected as finalists at the Great British Care Awards, in recognition of their commitment to providing Hinton Grange residents with excellent care.

Headed up by home manager Sam Lambourne, the team at the home provide specialist residential, nursing and respite care for older people, including those with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia.

Hinton Grange was nominated in The Care Team Award category and were selected as finalists and presented with a trophy in recognition of their achievement.

The home makes great efforts to ensure residents are able to enjoy fulfilling experiences every day and keep up their hobbies, whether that is painting baking, or working in the garden.

Speaking after the event, Sam said the whole team had been delighted to be nominated and to have made it to the final.

“The Care Team Award is such a competitive category and we were so pleased to have been nominated and then named as finalists. We had a wonderful evening at the awards ceremony and have been inspired by the stories of dedicated care teams from around the country and will carry on working hard to ensure we offer the very best to Hinton Grange’s residents.”

Photo: Penny Smith presents the Hinton Grange team with their trophy