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We put on the kettle and put our best foot forward for tea dance fun

Home news

On Tuesday we will be holding an event that involves all of our residents’ favourite things – music, dancing, tea and cake - as we hold our summer tea dance.

We will be holding the event, which is open to residents and relatives, in our lounge and as well as music from the 1950s the tea for the occasion has been provided by Care UK’s preferred supplier PG Tips.

The company has kindly provided us with a selection of six different flavoured teas and a CD of music packed with music our residents love.

Helen Kinnaird, our Manager, said: “As this is our first tea dance we hope that it will be popular with our relatives and their visitors. Dancing, even in a chair, is a great and different way to keep fit and, along with the music of the 1950s, it can bring back happy memories.

As our residents also enjoy a cup of tea I hope that many of them try tasting some of the more exotic teas that we will have on offer on the day.

Open to new residents

185 Redford Road, Colinton, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH13 9PN

Cairdean House

Care Inspectorate: Registered
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Day club

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