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99th birthdays celebrated

Company news

It’s not often we have a 99th birthday to celebrate, but Lehmann House Wellbeing Centre celebrated two in one week recently!

Celebrations took place for Win Davey’s birthday on 18th July and Norman Bennett, whose actual birthday was 28th July, was celebrated on the 24th when he visited the centre.

Both Win and Norman live independently, and Win has been visiting the centre twice a week since 2009 and Norman has been visiting once a week – also since 2009.

Despite his 99 years, Norman is still a keen gardener and doesn’t think twice about climbing up a ladder to carry out small DIY jobs around his home.   Both birthdays were celebrated in style with balloons, fun and games and of course, the obligatory cake!

Everybody had a thoroughly enjoyable day with the party atmosphere, and everyone is looking forward to celebrating two big milestones next year.