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"It took the mystery out of hospitals” – Peninsula open day a huge success

Company news

Peninsula NHS Treatment Centre Open Day was a huge success, attracting more than 200 visitors and “taking the mystery out of hospitals”, according to one guest.
The hospital was celebrating not just its 10th anniversary, but also the fact that it has been saved from closure.
There was plenty for visitors to see and do: one of the operating theatres was open for inspection; free blood pressure and BMI tests were available; there were displays of equipment and hip and knee replacements; there was the chance to learn more about cataract and dental surgery; and Arthritis Research UK, which has joined forces with Peninsula to raise awareness in and around Plymouth, was on hand to talk about the work of the charity.
The Care UK recruitment team received a lot of interest in vacancies at the hospital and elsewhere within the Care UK group.
The hospital’s active Patient Forum had a stand, where members were available to talk about what it is like to receive treatment at Peninsula, to answer general questions and to encourage former patients to play a role in the development of the hospital. Healthwatch Plymouth were in attendance.
In all, 50 people took up the offer of a blood pressure test or BMI, and a raffle raised £110 for chosen charities Arthritis Research UK and Jeremiah’s Journey.

Hospital Director Patricia Warwick said: “It was lovely to see so many people. We had a steady flow of visitors throughout the day made up of former patients and people who had not visited us before.”