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Health centre offers reception area to Macmillan

Company news

Hanley Health and Wellbeing Centre has welcomed Macmillan Cancer Support which put up an information stand in its reception area, staffed by a patient from the centre’s GP surgery.

Hanley Health and Wellbeing Centre in Stafford Street, Hanley, run on behalf of the local NHS by leading independent health and social care company, Care UK, houses an NHS walk-in centre and also a registered GP practice. One of those registered patients is Joanne Coulson who, three years ago, was diagnosed with bladder cancer.

Joanne, 36, FROM Hanley, said: “I was unusually young to be diagnosed with bladder cancer but I was fortunate enough to undergo a quite radical procedure which gave me an artificial bladder. I’m fine now – just a routine annual check-up to keep an eye on things. I’ve become an Engagement Support Officer and am working on the Staffordshire Transforming Cancer and End of Life Care Programme with Cannock Chase Clinical Commissioning Group.

“I was talking to Louise Screen, the Deputy Service Manager at Hanley Health and Wellbeing Centre, about my work and she said the centre would be delighted for us to have a stand in reception to promote what we are doing. We took up this offer on Friday (June 5) and plan to do so again in the not too distant future. It’s a great opportunity for us to talk to people about the programme and explain why Macmillan Cancer Support is involved. We are working closely together to ensure patients are pout at the heart of the programme.”

Louise said: “We are very happy to offer whatever help we can to health support organisations and would welcome any other such group to contact us to see how we can assist them by offering our reception area space.”

Hanley Health and Wellbeing Centre is open 8am-8pm, seven days a week, 365 days a year for walk-in patients with a minor injury or minor illness and for registered patients to book appointments.

The centre can be contacted on 0300 123 6759.