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Rickmansworth home wins seal of approval from national care watchdog

Company news

Care UK’s Chalfont Court care home in Hertfordshire has been given the seal of approval by a national care watchdog.

At an unannounced visit by the Care Quality Commission, inspectors found that the home in Uxbridge Road meets the Government’s standards of quality and safety which is assessed by looking at the following areas:

  • Safety
  • Effectiveness
  • Caring
  • Responsive
  • Well-led

During their visit to the home, which provides specialist care for older people with nursing care needs and some of whom have dementia, the inspectors talked informally to the team and examined the home’s administrative systems and processes. The report stated: “There were sufficient numbers of staff on duty to care and support people in meeting their needs. There were safe systems in place for the management and administration of medicines.”

Home Manager Jane Jones said: “I am delighted that we reached the high standard set out by the Government and CQC and I was even more delighted that the inspectors highlighted how the team works to respect people's privacy, dignity and independence.”

Further comments within the report also showed that the resident’s assessed needs were met appropriately and their preferences and choices were respected by the team at Chalfont Court.

The inspectors noted that staff felt supported and they had the support and training they needed to perform their roles, commenting “People received care and support from staff who were knowledgeable, skilled and experienced.”

The inspectors also noted that the people who lived in the home and their relatives felt safe due to the systems and processes in place at the home. Residents were supported to maintain a balanced diet by being provided with good food and drink.

Jane said: “Everyone at Chalfont Court, including the kitchen and maintenance teams, strives to ensure that we create genuinely individual care for each resident.

“To do that, we ensure we get to know each person, their history and their interests, so that we can tailor each care plan to maintain their independence, life skills and sense of wellbeing.”

The report also highlighted that the home runs a variety of events that were well planned, giving the residents a choice of the types of activities they joined in with.