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Gillingham NHS centre opens its doors to celebrate 10th anniversary

Company news

Visitors to Will Adams NHS Treatment Centre can see inside a working operating theatre and put questions to a consultant as part of a special open day to commemorate the centre’s 10th anniversary.

On Saturday 10th October, between 10am and 3pm, the team will be welcoming members of the public to the centre in Beechings Way, where they will be able to take part in a number of healthcare-related fun activities, including a tour of an operating theatre to see some of the equipment used by the hospital’s consultants.

The centre has a 99.5 per cent approval rating from patients and, since it opened, life has been improved for patients across north Kent. An average of 2,250 cataract and other eye surgeries take place each year. The team carry out around 1,200 gastric procedures annually and the centre also provides treatment for a wide range of healthcare issues for patients referred by their GPs, including treating hernias and orthopaedic problems such as shoulder, foot and knee injuries.

As well as talking to consultants, nurses and other healthcare professionals, visitors will be able to use ultraviolet light to see where germs hide on their hands, even after washing.

Service manager Sam Tritton said: “Children love seeing the operating instruments and the germ highlighter. The ultraviolet light always surprises adults who think they are washing their hands effectively.

“We will also have lots of helpful information and great goody bags to give away. We will be raising money for the Kent Association for the Blind. As well as having a stand at the open day, we are holding a raffle to raise money for this incredible charity that does so much for visually impaired people in the county.

“To help raise money for the charity there will be a raffle throughout the open day organised by the centre’s team. Local businesses have been very generous, donating many superb prizes.”