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Generous Care UK colleagues help to spread some festive cheer

Company news

North East London NHS Treatment Centre has recently looked like Santa’s North Pole grotto as the generous Care UK team collected gifts and toys for under privileged children in Essex.

From teddy bears and Transformers figures to books and Barbie dolls, the team spent the run-up to Christmas collecting toys for Chelmsford-based charity Kids Inspire to distribute. They also gave Christmas gifts to children living in a local women’s refuge.

Gifts for babies, children and young adults were donated along with wrapping paper and other decorations to wrap the items with. The Care UK team also donated items of non-perishable food that were incorporated into hampers to ensure the children and their families had a happy and memorable Christmas.

Sarah Shadbolt, governance administrator at Care UK’s North East London NHS Treatment Centre and one of the collection organisers, said: “The pile of gifts, foods and wrapping paper was very impressive. We have an incredibly generous team who have raised significant amounts of money throughout the year for local and national charities.

“Colleagues have baked hundreds of cakes, dressed-up in a wide range of silly and colourful clothes and yet, at the end of the year when they are planning their own festivities, they have found the time to go out shopping to ensure children across Essex will have a wonderful Christmas.”