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National care inspectors praise Weald Heights

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A national care watchdog has given Weald Heights the seal of approval, with relatives and residents praising its caring and attentive team members.

The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) report gave Weald Heights an overall ‘good’ rating, following an unannounced inspection.

The care home was rated ‘good’ in all five categories for safety, effectiveness, caring, being well-led, and being responsive.

The report praised the home for their dedication to a personalised, person-centred service, and ensuring that residents and their relatives made the home their own through regular meetings and open communication. 

Good-humoured exchanges and laughter were observed during the inspection, with people commenting on how friendly and kind the team are. There is a strong relationship between residents and the team, with one resident commenting: “You don't feel it's them and us, we are all together", and a relative of a resident saying: "The staff are very caring."

Residents were supported to see friends and family as often as possible, and encouraged to record likes, dislikes and personal histories in a ‘meaningful book’. The book, which is kept in the resident’s bedroom, highlights personal life history, interests, and family photographs to encourage reminiscence and meaningful conversation with friends, family, and the team. Residents were also invited to bring their own furniture and photographs to personalise their rooms.The purpose-built building was commended for its accessible outdoor spaces too. One resident said: "I enjoy sitting out there in the seating area watching the world go by."

The activities co-ordinator at Weald Heights took great care in organising a wide range of interesting activities to meet people’s needs and interests, and was praised by both residents and relatives. One resident said: "The activities co-ordinator is very positive and encourages us to try new activities.” Activities, such as pet therapy, musical performances, nail care, and arts and crafts, were outlined in a weekly activity guide for residents to choose what they’d like to participate in. One relative said to CQC inspectors: “The activities co-ordinator is amazing”.

Open to new residents

Bourchier Close, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1PD

Weald Heights

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Day club