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The Potteries saddles-up for pony visit

Home news


Residents at The Potteries welcomed a very special ‘neigh-bour’ when Promise the pony visited.

The friendly pony created a stir when she trotted into The Potteries. Everyone was thrilled to have the opportunity to stroke and groom her, as well as enjoy an informative talk on how she is cared for and her personality.

Promise was also taken on a tour of the home, visiting residents’ rooms to ensure everyone had the opportunity to meet and interact with her. 

Zita Turner, home manager at The Potteries, said: “It was wonderful to see the smiles on everyone’s faces when Promise arrived at The Potteries. Her visit created rather a lot of excitement among the residents and team. 

“Petting animals and being in their company has proven therapeutic benefits, particularly for those living with dementia, as it can reduce anxiety, release calming endorphins, and decrease feelings of loneliness. You could see from the residents’ reactions just how engaged they were when given the opportunity to get so close to such a lovely, affectionate animal.”

Open to new residents

187 York Road, Broadstone, Poole, Dorset, BH18 8ES

The Potteries

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Day club