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Tasting sessions that make the world go around

Company news

Team members are getting ready to share food and memories of the homelands in a new initiative created by Chalfont Court’s activities coordinator Emily Stimpson.

On Tuesday afternoons residents will be able to take part in a presentation from a team member that will include food from their home culture and photographs of their family and country.

Emily said: “Our residents love tasting new food and many of them are interested in world travel. They also like to learn more about the team members so it is an activity that combines many of their favourite things.”

Nations signed-up to taking part so far include the Czech Republic, Spain, the Philippines and Uganda.

Emily said: “We are all very excited. They are all very different countries, with different climates and cooking styles. Some of our residents will have experienced Spanish food while on holiday and I am sure it will bring back happy memories.

“None of us have tried food from the other countries and we are looking forward to learning more. We will keep a map on the board and mark-up which countries we ‘visit’ and we will post-up photos on the website of our travels.”