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New support group launched for people with glaucoma

A NEW support group for people with the eye disease, glaucoma, has been established in Rochdale.

The group has been set up by Care UK, which runs the Rochdale Ophthalmology CATS (Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service), with the help of Van Hoang, Eye Clinic Liaison Officer with the charity, Action for Blind. The Care UK service treats some 1,500 local NHS patients with glaucoma a year. This coming week, March 9-15, is World Glaucoma Week.

Debbie Yildirim, GP Liaison with the service, said: “The group is free to join, and members meet every three months to talk about the issues, treatments available, and to enjoy some extra help and support. Local glaucoma specialists will also be coming along to the meetings to give advice and information.

“Glaucoma is a common disease and can be very worrying for those who develop it. We believe offering this additional help via a support group will be very welcome. Anyone with glaucoma is very welcome to come along – you don’t have to be treated by Care UK to benefit from the support group.”

The inaugural meeting will take place on March 31 at the Care UK Croft Shifa Health Centre, Belfield Road, Rochdale, OL16 2UP, from 1-3pm. Further information can be obtained from Care UK ophthalmic nurse, Emma Mawson, on 07918673999 or