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Ipswich care home wins national award for outstanding leadership

Home news

The home manager at Prince George House care home in Ipswich has been recognised for her outstanding leadership against 114 Care UK care homes nationally.

The ‘Outstanding Leadership’ award was presented to Prince George House home manager Katherine Foley at Care UK’s national Residential Care Services (RCS) Stars awards ceremony, held on 19th November at Heythrop Park in Oxfordshire.

Katherine Foley was nominated for the award because of her clear vision to ensure Prince George House was a great place to live and work. Katherine instilled her vision from day one and her commitment, encouragement and enthusiasm is recognised throughout Prince George House. Katherine received the award for her ability to see the potential in people and for providing opportunities for development, as well as inspiring her team to the do their very best.

Katherine Foley said: “I am so delighted to have won the ‘Outstanding Leadership’ award. I work closely with my team at Prince George House to ensure they’re happy and fulfilling their potential, which in turn ensures the residents are happy and cared for in the best possible way. It’s brilliant to see that this has been recognised on a national scale.”

Prince George House was one of three Suffolk care homes to receive an award at the RCS Stars ceremony. Others were Cleves Place in Haverhill, which won an award for ‘Great Dementia Care’ and Cedrus House in Stowmarket which won a ‘Carer of the Year’ award.

Prince George House provides residential, nursing and dementia care as well as flexible day care in the adjacent day care centre, the Prince George Club.


Open to new residents

102 Mansbrook Boulevard, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 9GY

Prince George House

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club

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