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Wishing tree helps dreams to come true at Framlingham care home

Home news

A new wishing tree at Mills Meadow care home has been unveiled during Dementia Awareness Week, to show residents that older age and dementia are no boundaries for fulfilling wishes and aspirations.

The bespoke wishing tree, created by local blacksmith John Ball, was unveiled in the gardens at Mills Meadow on Wednesday 18th May. Residents had been busy hanging their handwritten wishes as leaves on the tree before resident Betty Bange cut a ribbon around the tree to officially mark the home’s first ‘Make a Wish Day’. The wishing tree and ‘Make a wish day’ was inspired by 89 year-old resident Liz Austin, who fulfilled her dream of riding in a classic Austin Seven car last month. 

Charlotte Golder, lifestyle coordinator at Mills Meadow, said: “The wishing tree has encouraged all residents to share their wishes with the team here, so we can help to make them come true like we did for Liz Austin. It is part of our Activity Based Care approach at Care UK, where we understand the importance of helping residents to continue to keep active, enjoy visiting favourite places and trying new experiences. It’s never too late to fulfil a dream!”

During Dementia Awareness Week, Mills Meadow will be open for the community to pop in and take a look at the wishing tree as well as pick up free copies of Care UK’s support guides for family carers. The guides include Eating as we age, which helps older people to continue to eat well and enjoy a dignified dining experience with dementia, Good to go, which provides advice on dementia-friendly days out, and Listen, Talk, Connect which provides tips to help carers effectively listen to and communicate with their loved ones living with dementia.

To download a free copy of Care UK’s support guides for family carers, visit

Open to new residents

Fore Street, Framlingham, Suffolk, IP13 9DF

Mills Meadow

CQC Rating: Outstanding
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Day club
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care